Consistent Use of #CampusClear
Feb. 23, 2021
First, I want to thank each one of you for your commitment to helping keep our campus safe during this global COVID-19 pandemic.
The steps you take to mask up, keep your physical distance, do COVID-19 testing and use #CampusClear are all important and even essential tools that have helped keep our cases at Andrews University low and have controlled the risk of community spread here on campus.
Your ongoing commitment to all of these steps to help assure safety for ourselves and our community is part of our shared Community Covenant of Care.
Today, I want to especially encourage each one of you to take ten seconds each day to use #CampusClear to answer its one question survey that will help record your feelings and document any symptoms. Already, you have been asked by teachers or at the Andreasen Center for Wellness to share your big green checkmark to show you’re cleared to be on campus that day.
If you're not using #CampusClear actively, or you need to download it again, you can find out more information here.
Right now, two out of every five Andrews students use this tool each day—but as we continue to respond to the risk of COVID-19, we need each one of you to use this important resource daily, as is set out in our Community Covenant of Care.
To help with that, we've asked our friends in Dining Services to look for the green checkmark on #CampusClear for those who are eating or purchasing items from Dining Services cashiers starting this next Monday, March 1. To be ready for that, you'll want to be sure to bring your phone with you whenever you eat at Dining Services (if you use #CampusClear on a tablet or laptop, take a picture of your green, "good to go" checkmark for that day on your phone/smart device to share with the cashier). To help keep the cafeteria line moving smoothly, please have the screen/image ready to share with the cashier.
I want to acknowledge that all of these steps taken by our campus, along with your ongoing commitment to those steps, have been a long and sometimes tiring journey. That's especially true as we anxiously wait for COVID-19 vaccinations to be available for everyone.
However, until that day comes, it's important that we remain diligent in taking every step we can to keep each other as safe as possible so we can put this pandemic behind us someday soon.
As we do that, thanks for committing to use #CampusClear daily, for your help in masking up, for keeping your physical distance and for avoiding group/social gatherings where those safety steps aren't possible.
With care,
Frances Faehner
Vice President for Campus & Student Life